Fast Loans Approvals

Fast Loan Approvals Just a Few Steps Away.

Apply Online

When you apply, you will need a free and clear vehicle title in your name.

Vehicle Inspection

Bring your vehicle in for a quick inspection.

Get Approved

Your application will be reviewed and once approved...

Get Your Funds

You will receive your funds immediately


Panhandle Title the premier title loan provider.

We specialize in easy to obtain auto title loans, and service all of Dothan, Panama City and the surrounding areas. For over 12 years, we have been the trusted source for car title loans and our friendly and professional staff will gladly answer all of your questions.

With our quick and streamlined process, you can obtain the cash you need in as little as 15 minutes!

Minimal Approval Requirements.

  • A free and clear vehicle title in your name.
  • Proof of residence.
  • Proof of an income of $1,000/net per month.

Your Application Quick & Easy.

Our application takes less than 5 minutes to fill out, and our helpful customer service team can assist you throughout the entire process – it’s easy to get approved for a Panhandle title loan at our office.

Keep Your Car And Keys.

We don’t need your car or your keys – just your vehicle title. We’ll put a lien on your title, which means that we have the right to repossess it if you don’t pay. However, you’ll never have to worry about this as long as you repay your loan – and you can keep using your vehicle just like you always have.

Get up to $5,000.

Depending on how much your car is worth, you could qualify for a Panhandle title loan of up to $5,000! That means you can easily get access to all the cash you need to cover unexpected emergency expenses.

You Can Get an Email Quote Online Now – Get Started Today!
To get started, you can fill out our online application and ask for an email quote now, or you can come to our office in Cottonwood, AL.